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Michael MikeL Prinz


or shortly MikeL is singer/songwriter or in German Lieders nger & Liedermacher. Accompanied by acoustic guitar, he tells entertaining stories. MikeL plays alone or with The Autumn Leaves, preferably unplugged, if possible in the situation.


Guitars + Stories = Guitarstories

Selection music

Guitars and stories have always somehow belonged together. So please dear friends of guitar music, who would also like to hear a little story: It doesn't matter whether it's folk, country, blues, or your own songs - it's always about entertaining musical enjoyment. And it's about handmade music that comes without a lot of bells and whistles.


Handmade music

Selection music

This is about handmade music. That means - music without a lot of bells and whistles! The music recordings should sound as if they were being played live - i.e. acoustic music. Therefore, all recordings are recorded in one piece, i.e. not assembleded of various parts and samples. And there is no complex editing. Small irregularities are part of it and have deliberately not been removed in order to preserve the live character. For the techies: the post processing is minimal i.e. very little reverberation, some EQ and volume adjustment.

In short, HANDMADE MUSIC with the ingredients 100% vocals and 100% acoustic guitars!


Small note at the end

Digi Alex is my digital drummer, appearing for the first time on the CD white label on digital vinyl. As a metronome 2.0, he can play his 16-second drum loops in an endless loop and is recorded directly in the sense of handmade music and at most faded in or out in post-processing. The versions with DigiAlex are mostly marked as "feat. DigiAlex" or "Drums Edit". The songs are usually available without Alex.

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